3 Quotes & Sayings By Kerri Thomson

Kerri Thomson is a New York Times bestselling author. She writes the popular “Eternity Girl” series of books for tweens, which have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide. Her books have been translated into over twenty-five languages, and have been featured on Oprah, A&E, Lifetime, and ABC Family. She lives in Florida with her husband and son Read more

Alarmed and bordering on terrified, Frankie reached for the closest thing she could find that might work as a weapon — which in Louise’s house was a curling iron — and tiptoed downstairs to confront the intruder - Chapter One Kerri Thomson
She often felt like she had been cast in a supportingrole with the film that was Louise. And there was more melodrama to be found there than a full-scale Merchant-Ivory period production. Tonight, she was certain, would be no exception. Kerri Thomson